Please come in!

This is most of the Downstairs



Of course, the first thing you will probably always see when you come over is cats!







This is the living room.

Notice the coffee table. I bought this the other week at an auction! They hold estate and consignment auctions every Friday night about 30 minutes from me. What fun! I got that antique mahogany coffee table for only $100!!! They send an email on Wednesdays to let you view photos of what they will be auctioning. I plan to stop in from time to time :)

I tried a decoration on the coffee table. Within an hour, the cats had knocked it to the floor and broke it : (   I should have known better. I will come up with something that will work with the cats!





This is all a work in progress. I still have some work to do in hanging the right pictures in the right spots. The short closet door is full of pictures for me to hang! So some of the pictures you see in the photo are just there for the time being.






Dining Room

At least I am using it as a dining room. Apparently the people before me used this as the master bedroom??? There is a little room where I am standing with a closet to one side. Through the little room is a nice bathroom with a tub/shower.

Currently, this is the room where Breaking Dawn has her birthing box and 8 newborn kittens.

I'll be finding large frames with matting for the two pictures hanging on the wall, so they are more in scale with the wall space.





Oh is the other side of the dining room. I have washed the windows of the secretary since I took this picture! All you have to do is take a photo to see what better get cleaned!!!!






Looking through the family room to the kitchen

Door to the garage, straight ahead.

Sliding glass door to the backyard and small porch to the right off the family room.

Bathroom and laundry room are to the right off the kitchen.

This picture was taken some months ago,
while I was still unpacking, as you can see the totes in the kitchen.



Looking the other direction.







This is a treasure I found on ebay.
Don't know what it really is for, but I am using it as a way to
 hold toilet paper and keep cats from unraveling the roll! :)

That's a paint sample sitting on top of it.




I keep the other bathroom doors closed, but need to have the
bathroom door off the kitchen open, as I have a litter box in there.