Welcome to My Home in Oregon!


First, I want to thank so many of you who made this move possible! This was truly a group effort!

Karen S. ~ you were instrumental in helping and supporting my search for a new house from the time I started looking...........and wondering where to look! I would not be enjoying this new home without your support.

Katherine M. S. ~ for teaching me the simple process, identifying what I really want, and putting it out to the universe.

CABengals ~ you lent a tremendous amount of support, and I appreciate it more than you know.

Janet and Patty ~ my two realtors.........for the two years since this house search started. You two are just awesome and helped in more ways than you can imagine. If you want kind, caring, competent, efficient, and patient realtors, then these are the gals for you! Thank you!!!!

My brother, Walt ~ he was executor of my parents' estate. So he, in a sense, was kind of like Mom and Dad to the other four of us. Thank you, Walt. You did a phenomenal job!

Lee, Kelsey, Janet, Judy and Jodi, Walt, and all the people my brother sent over to help ~ You were all just amazing! These people all  helped me pack  that last day, and load the train of trucks I rented for moving! You all really came through when I needed you, appearing out of no where to help. I have this image in my mind of your all stuffing me and all my things in the u-haul trucks and giving me a group effort push up the driveway!!!

Lee, you were such a godsend. Thank you!!!

Anne and Ralph ~ What would I have done without you??? Anne and Ralph picked up 9 of my cats from being boarded at my vets and drove them all to Oregon using their RV like trailer. Then they stayed a couple days to help me settle in a bit. I cherish your friendship and thank you from the bottom of my heart!

My friends and my brother, Walt, who followed up and checked on me on my way up and my first month here...........and still keep in touch :) I love you and miss you!

My brother, John, who stayed with me for a few months and helped get the cat cages set up, helped mounting cabinets, fixing the antique glass door knobs, painting, and countless little things that would have been hard for me to do.

My parents ~ thank you mom and dad. I felt your support more than ever. How blessed I am to have parents like you. Sure wanted to call and tell you about the snow we had here!!! Did you see it? :)

All my animals ~ hey, you guys are great sports!

 Hope you experience peace and love in this home, should you come by to visit!









It took about two years to find this house. I truly looked all over the country for a home that would fit me, the cats, my dogs, and my stuff. Wouldn't have been that hard, except for my house budget! The universe came through. A year ago, this house was listed for over twice as much as I paid. Then it became bank owned, the recession was in full swing, and my realtor caught the house the first day it came on the market at the lower price.

It really seemed like a miracle after we walked through it. We saw a lot of very shabby places in our search. This was like a grand home in a fine Portland neighborhood. Truly a godsend for me..........and the animals.

This photo above was taken through the "wetland". These are white oak trees. The city owns most of the wetland along this side of my house. You can see their sign about not disturbing the delicate balance of the wetland. I am not positive where my property line is along the driveway. It is on the "to do list".

The leaves are just coming back on these trees after being bare this winter.



This picture is taken from the street.

The house was built in 1912. It was moved to this location, from less than a mile away, in 2006. They also moved two other houses to this land. One was already existing here. When they moved it, it appears that they put on a new roof, new electrical, updated plumbing, etc. They added a large kitchen (large to me) and a garage.

I found out that this house used to belong to Harvey Jordan. I understand he did a lot for the City of St. Helens. He was born in the late 1800's. I will need to find where I wrote the date down. A park in Columbia City (town next to St. Helens) was named after one of Harvey's boats. It is called Pixie Park.

Photo from http://columbiariverimages.com/Regions/Places/columbia_city.html




I would like to plant some shrubs or something like that along the driveway. Maybe at some point, I will ask the city if I can plant some more trees in this area. They can probably also clarify where my property line is in this area of the property.





Here's the front porch. The flower bed looked liked it had nothing in during the winter, except for the rose bush. Since lots of plants are coming up. I am still trying to decipher which are weeds and which are landscape! I've planted columbine, a hydranga, a rhodededron, several ferns, and rannuculas in this bed. All are so small still, you can't even see them in the photo!

As you may have noticed, I have close neighbors on two sides of the house. There is more space and openness on the other two sides.

I will be planting along the fences to make it prettier!






This is something like I would like the front porch to look. I'd like to put in the little corner picket fence on the lawn side as you approach my walkway. All in time.......... :)




Back of the house.

On this side of the little porch, I planted a couple rose bushes,
and three peonies. Since this picture was taken, everything
has grown a lot with the coming of spring. I will be creating an
Enchanted Garden here over time.

They basically left a blank slate for the
new owner to landscape as they pleased!

I'll show you more of the yard and the trees on another page.