Available Adult Bengal Cats

Updated August 11, 2022
The Adult Bengal Cats, that we
have available for adoption,
are very special cats who are retired from our breeding program.
My breeding cats are my very much loved, cherished, and are my very spoiled pets as well. They are
used to lots of daily attention, affection, good quality food, fresh water, and
having all their needs catered to in a clean, harmonious, healthy, happy
My goal is that my
retired adult cats go to a forever home where they can receive
a ton of love and attention, be pampered like a prince or princess, and can live out their lives
being properly spoiled and appreciated. I don't want them to ever have to be rehomed again.
Please be certain that you can make a
life time commitment to these cats. Ask not how the cat can
serve you, but how you can serve the cat! :)
Our cats
are used to a stable and quiet home. They have been raised around our larger dog.
They are INDOOR ONLY cats - no exceptions.
Adoption fees for
most of our retired
adults are very minimal,
basically to cover the cat's spay or neuter and as
an indication of the Buyer's commitment and
good intent for the cat.

Please Read This List Before
Sending an Inquiry
IDEAL HOMES for a successful placement of one of
our retired Bengal cats:
Stable Home - Chances are that you won't be moving for many years.
Harmonious Home - Fights or yelling is absent from the home
or extremely rare.
Cat - Most of retired adult Bengals will do best as an only cat. It
is always hard to predict if two adult cats will get along or not. I prefer to
not take that chance with my cats. Adult cats typically do get along if a young
kitten is introduced to the home. Some of my adult cats may accept a low key
friendly dog.
of a Homebody - While you may need to go to work everyday, I prefer a
person who would be home frequently after work, rather than always on the go. We all need
vacations, but if you are traveling a lot, that probably won't be ideal for one
of our cats.
Financially Able - to buy high quality food, cat trees and/or cat
condos, cat toys, vet visits, if ever needed.
Willing to a Scoop Litter Box Every Day - I notice that every
once in a while people want a cat, but decide they don't want to scoop the
litter box anymore. Be honest about how you feel about the every day chore of
scooping boxes. It really only takes 60 seconds or less to scoop a box!
Clean and Healthy Environment - Hopefully this is self explanatory.
Declawing - In the old days, people did this. It is no longer
acceptable practice.
Feral or Neighbor Cats - frequenting your yard. This can trigger
territorial anxiety in cats, resulting in spraying. While I have not had this
happen, I have seen it be an issue with the cats' that Jackson Galaxy has
to Advice - Ability to listen to and/or read advice and willingness
to follow expert advice, should any issues arise.
Empty Nesters or Child Free - would probably be best for my adult
cats, who have not been raised around energetic children. Kittens are a
different story. Some kids are quiet and super mellow. Some of my retired cats
may be OK with that.
Patient and Tolerant - Bengal cats are probably going to climb on
anything that can be climbed on! Most likely, they will jump on your kitchen
counter, on your coffee table, on your mantle, on the furniture. They may knock
something over. Is this going to be OK with you? Also, an adult cat for the most
part has its personality. I will be honest with you about the cat's personality.
If you can't accept the cat just as it is, then please pass on the cat. However,
I am hopeful, that all those great qualities the cat has, will really bloom and
blossom even more once the cat has the opportunity to be an only cat receiving
all the love and attention.
Indoor Only Cat - Indoor cats live longer lives. Outdoor cats have
much shorter lives. Outdoor cats disappear, get stolen, eaten by predators, run
over by cars, pick up diseases, pick up fleas, get in fights and that creates
vet bills, maybe even death. In addition, outdoor cats are pretty devastating to

Thank you for reading all of the above very carefully and thoroughly!
Now lets get to the Available Bengal Cats!

EnchantedTails Sleeping Beauty
Dam: EnchantedTails Snow White
(EnchantedTails Breaking Dawn x Stonehenge Disney of
Sire: Noahspride Hixpectation
(Noahspride Emmy x Noahspride Its Vegas Baby)
Born January 26, 2015
Sleeping Beauty has very impressive lineage.
She is an eighth generation Bengal.
Her sire,
Hixpectation has sired some amazing show
who consistently placed in the finals
by ALL the judges at the shows.
Additionally, he sired the TICA #3 International Bengal, Snopride
Sleeping Beauty has been spayed.
This photo is from when she was having kittens,
who were, by the way, incredibly stunning!
When Sleeping Beauty was a baby, with her mom,
Snow White.
Sleeping Beauty has always enjoyed cuddling
with another cat.
These two grew up together, so were buddies.
I will note that Sleeping Beauty is not always friendly
with new adult cats that she meets.
She does not like spending time alone. She like have
a human buddy
or a nice cat buddy, preferably both!
Therefore, she would like to be adopted and have
a kitten buddy, who will not feel like a threat to her.
It could be one of my kittens or another kitten.
She just really likes to have company.
Or, maybe you are a dedicated homebody?
That would work for her, but a kitty
companion as well would be desireable.
The pupils of a snow Bengal's eyes will appear red when using a
flash with the camera.
And she has enjoyed exploring high places in the past!
But she also loves a good nap and
cuddling next to you or on your lap.
Baby picture of Sleeping Beauty!
One more adorable baby picture of Sleeping Beauty
with her mom.
Sleeping Beauty is a super loving and affectionate girl. It
is difficult to find the words to explain how special and adored she is.
Like I mentioned previously, she enjoys interaction, but is not a needy
girl. She would NOT like
to spend hours left alone by herself at all. It would be ideal for her to
have a home with someone who is home
a lot of the time to enjoy each others company. It would also be a lovely
fit if a person had a kitten at home or could adopt a kitten buddy for
her. The kitten buddy does not need to be from me, nor does it need to be
a Bengal.
Like any adult cat, she may need your patience while she
adjusts to her new home and discovers that she is indeed safe and is going
to enjoy all the individual love and attention she gets to receive. She has always been a confident girl. I suspect she will adjust quicker
than most.

Contact Holly Erickson
St. Helens, Oregon
Columbia County
We are near Portland, OR and
Longview and Vancouver, WA
(503) 396-5448
(Sorry, I don't do texts for initial kitten or cat inquiries.)

Copyright © 2000 - 2015 Holly Erickson.
All rights reserved.